Thank you to the community.

I am honored and humbled to be elected to the Kenosha County Board by the voters of District 2. I believe that becoming an elected official is a testament of trust. More than anything, I am encouraged that my campaign succeeded in earning the trust of my community. I hope to continue building relationships, increasing transparency around county government, and creating low-barrier channels for communication with my constituents. I look forward to learning from the experienced members of the board, and building new coalitions with my fresh fellow candidates to do the work that the residents of Kenosha County need us to do. I feel so privileged to have been given the opportunity to represent my friends and neighbors, and it is a privilege I will not take for granted. Thank you to District 2 and to all the local organizers, volunteers, and my fellow candidates who helped make this miraculous win happen. I will not let you down. 


Committee Assignments: The start of the term